Geschichte Sri Lanka

History of Sri Lanka: from early times to today

Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean with a rich history and culture. The country has a unique geography and is surrounded by the Indian Ocean. The history of Sri Lanka dates back to the early times and has been shaped by various influences. In this report, we will look at the history of Sri Lanka from early times to the present.

The early history of Sri Lanka

The first settlers in Sri Lanka were probably nomadic hunter-gatherers about 30,000 years ago. Later, sedentary communities settled, living mainly by farming and raising livestock. The early settlers were also religious, practicing animism and later Buddhism and Hinduism.

Buddhism was introduced to the island in the 3rd century BC and had a great influence on Sri Lankan society and culture. The Buddhist King Ashoka of the Maurya dynasty sent monks to Sri Lanka to spread the teachings of Buddha. The Anuradhapura period (377 BC to 1017 AD) is the oldest known period in Sri Lanka’s history. Anuradhapura was the capital of the Sinhalese kingdom at that time and became a center of Buddhism and trade.

Medieval history of Sri Lanka

History of Sri Lanka

After the fall of Anuradhapura in 1017, Polonnaruwa became the new capital of Sri Lanka. This period (1017-1236 AD) is known for its culture and art. The rule of Polonnaruwa ended in 1236 when the South Indian Chola Kingdom conquered the city and brought it under its rule. The Chola Empire left many traces of its rule, including the construction of Hindu temples in Sri Lanka.

The Sinhalese dynasty of Kandy was established in the 16th century and took control of the island in the 17th century. The Kandy period (1590-1815) was one of the longest periods in Sri Lanka’s history and marked by independence and resistance to European colonial powers.

The colonial period in Sri Lanka

During the colonial period, Sri Lanka was dominated by European powers such as Portugal, the Netherlands and Great Britain. In 1505, the Portuguese Lorenzo de Almeida landed on the island and established the first European fort in Sri Lanka.

The Portuguese controlled the coastal regions and some trade routes. Later, the Dutch took control of the island and established their own administration and economy. Dutch rule lasted from 1658 to 1796. The Dutch introduced coffee cultivation, which was later replaced by tea, and modernized the infrastructure. British colonial rule (1796-1948) also brought changes to Sri Lanka, including the introduction of a modern administrative system, the development of infrastructure and the expansion of the educational system.

Independence and recent history of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka gained independence from Great Britain in 1948 and became a parliamentary democracy. In the following decades, the country was marked by political conflicts and social tensions. An important development was the rise of Tamil nationalism in the 1970s and 1980s. The Tamil minority felt discriminated against and oppressed and demanded more rights and autonomy.

The Tamil conflict escalated into a bloody civil war in the 1980s that lasted nearly three decades. In 2009, the civil war ended with the defeat of the Tamil rebels and the restoration of government control. The end of the conflict was an important step for Sri Lanka to focus on economic and social development.

Recent History of Sri Lanka

Since independence from Great Britain, Sri Lanka has developed into an important economic and political player in South Asia. The country has a stable democracy with regular elections and an established legal system. However, there has also been political instability and conflict in the recent past, particularly over the issue of Tamil independence.

In 2015, Maithripala Sirisena was elected president of Sri Lanka after committing to a reform agenda to strengthen democracy and the rule of law. Under his administration, important reforms have been implemented, including the independence of the judiciary and the strengthening of media freedom.

Economic development

In recent years, Sri Lanka has enjoyed impressive economic growth, driven by a combination of domestic and export growth. The tourism sector has developed particularly strongly in recent years and is a major contributor to economic growth.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit Sri Lanka’s economy hard. Due to travel restrictions and closures, the tourism sector slumped, resulting in a decline in GDP. The Sri Lankan government has taken extensive measures to mitigate the impact of the pandemic, including financial support for businesses and citizens and incentives for the export sector.

Cultural and social change

Sri Lanka is a multicultural society with different religious and linguistic groups. The country has a long history of intercultural exchange and has evolved over time into a diverse and tolerant nation.

and tolerant nation. In recent years, social change has accelerated, especially with regard to the role of women in society. Women are now better educated and enjoy more rights and opportunities in the workforce. The government has made efforts to promote gender equality and reduce discrimination.

Sri Lanka has also made progress in the area of education in recent years. Literacy rates are high, and there is an increased focus on expanding the education system, particularly in rural areas. The government has invested more in developing educational infrastructure and teacher qualifications in recent years.

The future of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka faces many challenges and opportunities in the coming years. Political stability and economic development are crucial for the well-being of the population and the progress of the country. In particular, reconciliation between the various ethnic and religious groups remains an important task to ensure long-term peace and stability.

Economic development and the expansion of trade relations are also crucial to Sri Lanka’s future. The country has great potential in tourism, exports and technology. Realizing this potential will require investment in infrastructure and education, as well as diversified and sustainable economic policies.

Overall, Sri Lanka has made significant progress in recent decades and has emerged as a major player in South Asia. By overcoming the challenges and seizing the opportunities that the country faces, Sri Lanka can build an even more successful and prosperous future.

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